[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
梁飛鳳  ♀
Leung Fei-Fung
拼音: liáng fēi fèng

影視作品 / Filmography (1955-1966)
  演員 / Actor (1955-1966)
    紅拂女私奔 / Lady Red-Broom Elopes (1955) ... / Singer C
    春花日日紅 / The Merry Month of May (1955)    
    醉打金枝 / Spanking the Princess (1955)    
    情憎俞到瀟湘館 / The Romantic Monk (1956)    
    小冤家 / Little Sweetheart (1956)    
    虎將奪王妃 / The Princess Is Kidnapped (1956)    
    司馬相如 / The Story of Sima Sheung-yu (1957)    
    荔枝記 / The Lizhi's Tale (1957)    
    王老虎搶親 / Wang the Bully Seizes the Bride (1957) ... 周嫂 / Chow's sister-in-law
    阿珍要嫁人 / Ah Chun Wants to Get Marry (1966)