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曾醒光  ♂
Chang Seng-Kwong

The Fool Escape (1980)

Martial Club (1981)

My Young Auntie (1981)

Treasure Hunters (1981)

Project A (1983)

The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter (1984)

Cops in the Town (1985)

Hong Kong Godfather (1985)

Magic Crystal (1986)
Who's the Crook (1986)

The First Vampire in China (1986)

A Better Tomorrow (1986)

Happy Ghost III (1986)

The Good, the Bad & the Beauty (1987)

Ninja, Demon's Massacre (1987)

The Vampire Is Alive (1987)

Evil Cat (1987)

Tiger Cage (1988)

Tiger on the Beat (1988)

The Crazy Companies (1988)

City Warriors (1988)

Mr. Possessed (1988)

Operation Foxhunt (1988)
gangster at hawker stall
The Romancing Star II (1988)

The Killer (1989)

Triads - The Inside Story (1989)

Burning Ambition (1989)

Just Heroes (1989)

They Came to Rob Hong Kong (1989)

Satanic Crystals (1989)

Killer Angels (1989)

My Heart Is That Eternal Rose (1989)

Return to Action (1989)

Devil Hunters (1989)

No Risk, No Gain (1990)

Point of No Return (1990)

Swordsman (1990)

Widow Warriors (1990)

Brave Young Girls (1990)

Skinny Tiger and Fatty Dragon (1990)

Stage Door Johnny (1990)

The Plot (1991)

The Queen of Gamble (1991)

Erotic Ghost Story III (1992)

The Son of Dragon (1992)

The Shootout (1992)

Hard Boiled (1992)

The Big Deal (1992)

Angel Terminators 2 (1993)

Run and Kill (1993)