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猛丁哥  ♂
Mang Ding-Goh

Invincible Boxer (1973)

Freedom Strikes a Blow (1973)

End of the Wicked Tigers (1973)

The Hand of Death (1976)

Ironside 426 (1977)

Gang of Four (1978)

The Invincible Killer (1978)

Mysterious Footworks of Kung Fu (1978)

To Kill a Mastermind (1979)

Monkey Kung Fu (1979)
Mang Ding-Goh<br>Blind Fist of Bruce
Blind Fist of Bruce (1979)

Vice Squad 633 (1979)

The Brothers (1979)

Sun Dragon (1979)

0.38 (1980)

Hired Guns (1981)
Golden Buddha Against The Snake Phantom
King Kong vs The Snake Phantom (1982)

Sweet Vengeance (1982)

Crime-Buster (1983)
Identification by Teddy Wong
Two Jolly Cops (1985)

A Bloody Fight (1988)

Red Shield (1991)

Fun and Fury (1992)

Unforgetful Holiday (1992)

The Complicated Raping Case (1993)

Astray Lamb (1993)
Wai's Romance (1994)
Wai's Romance (1994)