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鄧友祺  ♂
Danny Tang Yau-Kay

Walking Beside Me (1986)

A Hearty Response (1986)

The Ghost Snatchers (1986)

That Enchanting Night (1987)

To Err is Humane (1987)

Walk On Fire (1988)
Tang's drug worker
Look Out, Officer! (1990)

My Neighbours Are Phantoms (1990)

All for the Winner (1990)

When Fortune Smiles (1990)

An Eye for an Eye (1990)

Crystal Hunt (1991)
disco rascal
Tricky Brains (1991)

Secret Police (1992)

The Trouble Couple (1992)
Chen's thug
Freedom Run Q (1992)

Lover of the Swindler (1993)

Angel of the Road (1993)

Underground Judgement (1994)

U-Man (2002)