Welcome to the HKMDB

HKMDB stands for the Hong Kong Movie Database, a comprehensive online database dedicated to cataloging information on Hong Kong films, actors, directors, and other industry professionals. Here, you can find a wealth of information, including film details, actor and director profiles, reviews, ratings, and more.
The HKMDB's data is completely bi-lingual. It is in the Chinese language as well as in English. While primarily in English, the site's data is 100% based in the Chinese language. No films or persons are added to this database without first having a Chinese name.
The HKMDB data is meticulously added, maintained and updated by the tremendous work and extreme multi-decade dedication of the HKMDB Immortals, and the rest of the HKMDB Editors and contributors team.
On the technical side, the site's unix server, storage, backups, *sql database, HTML::Mason, perl and php code, and html/css markup...have been administered, maintained and developed by me (BKasten) starting in 2002. In 2000, the original relational database schema and perl/mason code were implemented by Eric Schneider and Dave Rolsky.
Ryan Law did all the original content research, and founded the HKMDB on Nov 1st 1995.
HKMDB stands for the Hong Kong Movie Database, a comprehensive online database dedicated to cataloging information on Hong Kong films, actors, directors, and other industry professionals. Here, you can find a wealth of information, including film details, actor and director profiles, reviews, ratings, and more.
The HKMDB's data is completely bi-lingual. It is in the Chinese language as well as in English. While primarily in English, the site's data is 100% based in the Chinese language. No films or persons are added to this database without first having a Chinese name.
The HKMDB data is meticulously added, maintained and updated by the tremendous work and extreme multi-decade dedication of the HKMDB Immortals, and the rest of the HKMDB Editors and contributors team.
On the technical side, the site's unix server, storage, backups, *sql database, HTML::Mason, perl and php code, and html/css markup...have been administered, maintained and developed by me (BKasten) starting in 2002. In 2000, the original relational database schema and perl/mason code were implemented by Eric Schneider and Dave Rolsky.
Ryan Law did all the original content research, and founded the HKMDB on Nov 1st 1995.