Lo Chen and Law Sun merge

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Lo Chen and Law Sun merge

Postby Michael Kistner » Thu Feb 08, 2024 7:18 am

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Re: Lo Chen and Law Sun merge

Postby J.J.Hayden » Thu Feb 08, 2024 12:19 pm

It does seem promising, but do you have access to the credits for Rumours In The Air [1947]? Because if there ARE in fact two different names for the acting role of "Accountant" and the credit for "script supervisor" then it would make it much less likely to be the same man in my mind, though not impossible.
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Re: Lo Chen and Law Sun merge

Postby Michael Kistner » Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:00 pm

I have only the Hong Kong Film Archive entry:

編劇, 曹雪松 ; 監製, 謝秉鈞 ; 攝影, 周詩清 ; 劇務, 魏鵬飛 ; 剪接, 沈毓奇, 陳玉泉 ; 場記, 羅獲 ; 錄音, 吳天幻, 徐兆麟, 梁伯榮 ; 美術, 易光甫 ; 佈景, 陳其銳 ; 洗印, 徐文華, 黃廣培 ; 攝影助理, 伍強 ; 美術主任, 張光宇.
謝家驊 (飾梁玉華), 李蘭 (飾黎雲), 嚴化 (飾張劍明), 姜明 (飾張敬甫), 平原 (飾錢耀堂), 周偉 (飾明母), 李露玲 (飾黎夢萍), 楊靜 (飾方慕瑩), 魏鵬飛 (飾趙經理), 平凡 (飾錢友甲), 侯景夫 (即丁川) (飾錢友乙), 巴鴻 (飾錢友丙), 姜南 (飾錢友丁), 蔣銳 (飾張友甲), 陳飛 (飾張友乙), 陳煥文 (飾跑街), 何平 (飾周嫂), 翁牧 (飾醫生), 夏蓮 (飾看護甲), 華玲 (即華苓) (飾看護乙), 羅臻 (飾會計員), 華夢 (飾梁女友), 高第安 (飾保鏢), 王震 (飾門房), 王憧 (飾司閽).

Sure is: The RIPPLES director should be changed:

https://hkmdb.com/db/movies/image_detai ... ay_set=eng
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Re: Lo Chen and Law Sun merge

Postby J.J.Hayden » Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:30 pm

Yes, it looks very promising. I don't think that leaves any question about changing Ripples director to Lo Chen (adding Law Sun as an alias), but I would like to know how Law Sun was credited as the director on HKMDB to begin with, as the pics of the poster and film credits both say Lo Chen. That to me would be the last piece of the puzzle, but I think you have a strong case already. Nice work.
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Re: Lo Chen and Law Sun merge

Postby yukabacera » Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:55 pm

I would say to keep the continuity person separate for now as the HKFA doesn't say it's Lo Chen and Lo Chen's name being in the cast seems to be evidence against it. The name "Law Sun" seems to have been added together with the entry for Ripples, meaning it was most likely a misreading of Lo Chen's name and an old mistake by an editor that stayed in the database. The HKFA credits 羅 for continuity on Rumours in the Air. I could see the argument that 獲 and 臻 were mixed up and that it was meant to be Lo Chen's name, but the actual film credits assign continuity to 羅获 (simplified version of 獲) which doesn't resemble 臻 at all. We could either create a new person for the continuity clerk or repurpose the "Law Sun" entry.
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Re: Lo Chen and Law Sun merge

Postby Michael Kistner » Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:28 am

For now I have changed the director of RIPPLES.
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