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Merge suggest: 劉茜蒙(1) + (2)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 10:01 am
by heinz Germany
Lau Sin-Mung (1) ... ay_set=eng (59 * actress 1957-72)
She plays minor roles all the times (most times as aunt or mother)
Lau Sin-Mung (2) ... ay_set=eng (16 * customes 1959-1964)
(BTW: I suppose not really designer, but responsible for costumes) That won't be the first actress who was "Costumer", too...

Hint 1) ... ay_set=eng
Hint 2) 4 "collaborations of 劉茜蒙(1) + (2) 母與女 / Devotion (1960) 雨過天青 / For Better, For Worse (1959)
星星,月亮,太陽(上) / Sun, Moon and Star (Part 1+Part 2) (1961)