[English] [中文] [中英文]
語言顯示 : 中英文
姜大衛  ♂
David Chiang Da-Wei
拼音: jiāng wèi
John Keung,  John Chiang,  Keung Tai-Wai,  Yan Wei,  John Chang,  John Kiang,  David Keung,  David Chang,  Chiang Ta-Wei,  Yen Wei,  John Chiang Wei-Nien,  Yim Wai,  Chiang Da-We,  Jiang Da-Wei,  David Chiang,  David Chaiang

影視作品 / Filmography (1952-2024)
  監製 / Producer
    獨臂雙雄 / The One-Armed Swordsmen (1976)    
    美男子 / Mr. Handsome (1987)    
    情人的眼淚 / Lover's Tears (1996)    
  導演 / Director
    吸毒者 / The Drug Addict (1974)    
    怪人怪事 / A Mad World of Fools (1974)    
    獨臂雙雄 / The One-Armed Swordsmen (1976)    
    死囚 / The Condemned (1976)    
    旋風踢 / Whirlwind Kick (1977)    
    貓頭鷹 / The Legend of the Owl (1981)    
    上天救命 / Heaven Can Help (1984)    
    聽不到的說話 / Silent Love (1986)    
    美男子 / Mr. Handsome (1987)    
    不是冤家不聚頭 / The Wrong Couples (1987)    
    雙肥臨門 / Double Fattiness (1988)    
    我要富貴 / My Dear Son (1989)    
    四人新世界 / When East Meets West (1990)    
    黑雪 / Will of Iron (1991)    
    不一樣的媽媽 / Mother of a Different Kind (1995)    
  演員 / Actor (1952-2024)
    浴室艷屍 / Bloodbath (1952)    
    近水樓台 / The Closer the Better (1952) ... 張子 / Child
    碧雲天 / Green Heaven (1953) ... 錢小寶-幼年 / Child
    歸來 / Return (1954) ... 小明 / Siao-Ming
    有口難言 / Unspeakable Truths (1955) ... Bobby / Bobby
    盲戀 / Blind Love (1956) ... 張天寧 / Child
    梅姑 / The Orphan Girl (1956) ... / Child
    春光無限好 / A Mellow Spring (1957) ... / Child
    馬路小天使 / Little Angels of the Streets (1957) ... 四元 / Si Yuan
    全家福 / The Blessed Family (1958) ... / Child
    流浪兒 / Young Vagabond (1958) ... 黑皮 / Child
    江山美人 / The Kingdom and the Beauty (1959) ... / Child
    苦海孤雛 / The Orphan in Distress (1960) ... 牛牛 / Teenager
    曉風殘月 / Twilight Hours (1960) ... 麗麗幼年 / Teenager
    街童 / Street Boys (1960) ... 大明 / teenager
    第二吻 / Kiss Me Again (1960) ... 小東 / Teenager
    萬里尋親記 / The Search of Loved One (1961) ... 阿牛 / Orphan Ngau
    雲開見月明 / Till the Clouds Roll by (1961) ... / Teenager
    好事成雙 / Ladies First (1962) ... / Lihong's younger brother
    女人與小偷 / The Lady and the Thief (1963) ... 小平 / Li Hsiao-Ping [as child]
    女黑俠木蘭花血戰黑龍黨 / The Woman in Black and the Black Dragon (1966) ... / BDG thug
    無敵女殺手 / Lady in Distress: The Invincible Fighter (1967) ... / Assassin at hospital
    女鐵膽 / She's So Brave! (1967) ... / Thug
    黑殺星 / The Black Killer (1967) ... / Thug
    金燕子 / Golden Swallow (1968) ... / Brothel clerk
    藍鷹 / Blue Falcon (1968)    
    武林三鳳(大結局) / Three Heroines (Part 2) (1968) ... / Extra
    血影紅燈 / Red Lamp Shaded in Blood (1968) ... / Extra
    玉面飛狐 / The Silver Fox (1968) ... / Jun Wai bureau member
    一寸相思未了情 / A Yearn of Unfullfilled Passion (1968)    
    神刀 / The Sword of Swords (1968) ... / Shang's thug
    如來神掌劈魔平九派 / Buddhist Spiritual Palm (1968) ... / Fighter [exra]
    春曉雲開 / Spring Morning Flying Cloud (1968) ... 表哥 / Cousin
    飛俠小白龍 / The White Dragon (1968) ... / Swordsman in opening
    鐵手無情 / The Invincible Fist (1969) ... / Tieh Er-Long
    十二金錢鏢 / Twelve Deadly Coins (1969) ... / Lieh's bandit
    獨臂刀王 / Return of the One-Armed Swordsman (1969) ... / Yin / Thug
    響尾追魂鞭 / The Rattling Whip (1969) ... / Ma Wu
    大盜歌王 / The Singing Thief (1969) ... / Extra
    飛刀手 / The Flying Dagger (1969) ... / Uncle's man
    保鏢 / Have Sword, Will Travel (1969) ... 駱逸 / Lo Yi
    死角 / Dead End (1969) ... 廖清水 / David Liao Ching-Shui
    大羅劍俠 / The Secret of the Dirk (1970) ... / Black Tiger Guard
    小煞星 / The Singing Killer (1970) ... / Johnny
    江湖三女俠 / Swordswomen Three (1970) ... / Extra
    十三太保 / The Heroic Ones (1970) ... 李存孝 / 13th General Li Tsun-Hsiao
    遊俠兒 / The Wandering Swordsman (1970) ... / Wandering Swordsman
    鷹王 / King Eagle (1970) ... / Tien Yi Tong member
    插翅虎 / The Winged Tiger (1970) ... / Jade Face Bai Yun Sheng
    報仇 / Vengeance! (1970) ... 關小樓 / Guan Xiao Lou
    新獨臂刀 / The New One-Armed Swordsman (1971) ... / Lei Li
    拳擊 / Duel of Fists (1971) ... / Fan Ke
    無名英雄 / The Anonymous Heroes (1971) ... 孟剛 / Meng Kang
    大決鬥 / The Duel (1971) ... / Chien Nan, the Rambler
    惡客 / The Angry Guest (1971) ... / Fan Ke
    雙俠 / The Deadly Duo (1971) ... / Little Bat
    群英會 / Trilogy of Swordsmanship (1972) ... 3) / 3) Mu Yu Ji
    小孩與狗 / The Two Faces of Love (1972)    
    馬永貞 / The Boxer from Shantung (1972) ... 譚四 / Boss Tan Si
    四騎士 / Four Riders (1972) ... / Jin Yi
    年輕人 / Young People (1972) ... / Hung Wai
    水滸傳 / The Water Margin (1972) ... / The Prodigy, Yen Ching/Yen XiaoYi
    蕩寇誌 / All Men Are Brothers (1973) ... / Yan Qing
    五虎將 / The Savage 5 (1973) ... 陳登 / Chen Deng / Chen San
    大海盜 / The Pirate (1973) ... / General Wu
    刺馬 / The Blood Brothers (1973) ... 張文祥 / Chang Wen Hsiang
    叛逆 / The Generation Gap (1973) ... / Ling Xi
    少林五祖 / Five Shaolin Masters (1974) ... / Hu Te-Ti
    七金屍 / The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974) ... / Hsi Ching / Hsi's Ancestor (flashback)
    朋友 / Friends (1974) ... / Hua Heng
    怪人怪事 / A Mad World of Fools (1974)    
    傾國傾城 / The Empress Dowager (1975) ... 寇連材 / Eunuch Ko Lien Tsai
    的士大佬 / The Taxi Driver (1975) ... / Chen Guang
    七面人 / The Imposter (1975) ... 葛亮 / Ge Liang
    後生 / The Young Rebel (1975) ... / Xiang Rong
    嬉笑怒罵 / Temperament of Life (1975) ... / Himself
    八道樓子 / 7-Man Army (1976) ... 白長興 / Private First Class Bai Zhang Xing
    少林寺 / Shaolin Temple (1976) ... / Hu De Di
    獨臂雙雄 / The One-Armed Swordsmen (1976) ... / Li Hao
    死囚 / The Condemned (1976) ... 楊靈 / Yang Lin
    水月門 / Strife for Mastery (1977) ... / Wong Sau-ying
    旋風踢 / Whirlwind Kick (1977)    
    決殺令 / Judgement of an Assassin (1977) ... / Swift Sword, Hei Mo Le
    三少爺的劍 / Death Duel (1977) ... 慕容金龍 / Mu-Yung Chien-Lung
    江湖漢子 / Magnificent Wanderers (1977) ... / Chu Tie Xia
    海軍突擊隊 / The Naval Commandos (1977) ... / Song San
    子曰:食色性也 / Sensual Pleasures (1978) ... / Bao Bu Si
    火鳳凰 / The Red Phoenix (1978) ... / Liang Wen
    螳螂 / Shaolin Mantis (1978) ... 韋風 / Wai Fung
    十字鎖喉手 / Shaolin Hand Lock (1978) ... / Li Cheng Ying
    錢王、拳王 / The Kings of Fists and Dollars (1979) ... / Lu Tang
    鐵公鷄 / The Lost Kung Fu Secrets (1979) ... / Commander Chen Chia Hsiang
    踢館 / The Challenger (1979) ... / Yu Kit
    少林英雄榜 / Shaolin Abbot (1979) ... 至善禪師 / Monk Chi San
    孔雀王朝 / Murder Plot (1979) ... 沈浪 / Shen Lang
    血肉磨坊 / Blooded Treasury Fight (1979) ... / Yin Gan To
    一劍刺向太陽 / A Sword Shot at the Sun (1979)    
    絕代英雄 / Fight for Glory (1980) ... 鐵柔 / Teh Row
    賊贓 / The Loot (1980) ... / Robert Yeung Wai
    六合八法 / Six Directions of Boxing (1980) ... / Sheng Peng
    第三類打鬥 / Heaven and Hell (1980) ... / Zhou Bao, Liang Xiao Palace
    傻兵立大功 / Funny Soldier (1981)    
    二等兵 / Private First Class (1981)    
    貓頭鷹 / The Legend of the Owl (1981) ... 范士林 / Fan Shi-Lin
    飛刀‧又見飛刀 / Return of the Deadly Blade (1981) ... / Siu Wan
    二等兵續集 / Private First Class, Part II (1981)    
    刺客列傳 / Night of the Assassins (1981) ... / Kwan Chu
    十張王牌 / Play Con Game (1981)    
    小生怕怕 / Till Death Do We Scare (1982) ... 鄧理慶 / Walter Fink
    彈指神功 / The Challenger (1982)    
    少爺威威 / Play Catch (1983) ... 姜斯 / Detective
    龍兄虎妹 / Dragon Killer (1983) ... 梁龍 / Liang Long
    風鈴中的刀聲 / Sword with the Windbell (1983)    
    上海灘十三太保 / The Shanghai Thirteen (1984) ... / Wanderer Yip
    上天救命 / Heaven Can Help (1984) ... / Taxi driver
    皇家師姐 / Yes, Madam! (1985) ... / Sifu's roommate
    夏日福星 / Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars (1985) ... / [Cameo at the end]
    奪寶計上計 / From Here to Prosperity (1986) ... 濚穃 / Yeh Tai-Goi
    老娘夠騷 / Soul (1986) ... 李繼揚警察 / Inspector Lee Kai Yeung
    霹靂大喇叭 / Where's Officer Tuba? (1986) ... 神探 / Sergeant Rambo Chow
    不是冤家不聚頭 / The Wrong Couples (1987) ... / Tai Dai's co-worker at end of movie
    天使行動 / Angel (1987) ... / John Keung
    富貴逼人 / It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World (1987) ... John / John
    雙肥臨門 / Double Fattiness (1988) ... / Hell gate keeper
    Battle for the Treasure / Battle for the Treasure (1988) ... / [DRAGON KILLER footage]
    老虎出更 / Tiger on the Beat (1988) ... / Police Commissioner
    林投姐 / The Revenge Ghost of the Tree (1988)    
    義膽群英 / Just Heroes (1989) ... 張百偉 (阿偉) / Wai
    開心巨無霸 / Mr. Sunshine (1989) ... 曾先生 / Mr Zeng
    豪門夜宴 / The Banquet (1991) ... 賓客 / Himself
    黑雪 / Will of Iron (1991) ... Jacky 叔叔 / Jacky's uncle
    夢醒時分 / Mary from Beijing (1992) ... / Yip
    黃飛鴻之二男兒當自強 / Once Upon a Time in China II (1992) ... 陸皓東 / Lu Hao-Dong
    雙龍會 / The Twin Dragons (1992) ... 探長/酒店經理 / Sgt. Chiang / Hotel security
    '94獨臂刀之情 / What Price Survival (1994) ... 白復國 / Pai Fu Kuo
    大冒險家 / The Adventurers (1995) ... 常叔 / Shang
    烈火戰車2極速傳說 / The Legend of Speed (1999) ... / Tony
    少年阿虎 / Star Runner (2003) ... / Bond's grandfather
    早熟 / 2 Young (2005) ... 法官 / Judge
    黑社會 / Election (2005) ... 許警司 / Chief Inspector Hui
    太極 戰士 / Tai Chi Warrior (2005)    
    雛菊 / Daisy (2006)    
    鏢行天下之天下鏢局 / The Gold Convoyers: The Security Guards' Office (2007) ... / Lao Wang
    遊龍戲鳳 / Look for a Star (2009) ... 姨丈 / Milan's uncle
    愛在廊橋 / Love on Gallery Bridge (2012) ... / Lin Fukun
    天台 / The Rooftop (2013) ... 老年浪子膏 / Old Langzigao
    一個人的武林 / Kung Fu Jungle (2014) ... / Chan Pak Kwong
    賭城風雲II / From Vegas to Macau 2 (2015) ... / Victor
    賭城風雲III / From Vegas to Macau 3 (2016) ... / Victor
    刀劍封魔 / The Legend of Enveloped Demons (2022)    
    白日之下 / In Broad Daylight (2023)    
    內幕 / Under Currrent (2023)    
    釀魂 / It Remains (2023) ... / Owen Fong
    臨時劫案 / Rob N Roll (2024) ... / Mr. Shrimp
  策劃 / Planning
    義膽群英 / Just Heroes (1989)    
    雙龍會 / The Twin Dragons (1992)    
  David Chiang was born as Chiang Wei-Nien into a thespian family. He had an early start in showbiz. When he was a teenager, her appeared in films like "Street Boys" and Li Han-Hsiang's "The Kingdom And The Beauty." He officially started his martial arts career in 1966 when he was hired by wuxia master Chang Cheh as a stuntman for "Golden Swallow". His wiry ability quickly earned him the nickname "the Elastic Double".

The turning point of his career came in 1967 when Chang requested Chiang take up a speaking role in "The One-Armed Swordsman". Although the role was small, it gave the young Chiang a chance to show both his acting and his fighting prowess. This had marked the start of a relationship with Chang that spanned decades.

With Chang's support, Chiang finally made the jump from a unknown stuntman to a true star in his own right with the box office hit "Wandering Swordsman" in 1970. His next film "Vengeance" won him his first Best Actor Award at the Asian Film Festival.

Chiang eventually directed his own productions, and has taken part in TV series and other films in the more recent years. (From the Celestial DVD edition of "Shaolin Temple").

Trivia: David Chiang currently lives in Vancouver, Canada and is married to Maggie Lee Lam-Lam. He has two daughters and a son.

- Celestial Pictures DVD biography

Paul Chun Pui's brother

Law Wai-Chu's brother

Derek Yee's half brother

Hung Wei = mother

Yim Fa = father