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李劍榮  ♂
Lee Kim-Wing

The God of Cookery (1996)

Young and Dangerous 2 (1996)

War of the Under World (1996)

Black Mask (1996)
Scarface (Uncle Wai's thug)
God of Gamblers 3 - The Early Stage (1996)

He Comes from Planet K (1997)
Mr Lung's man
The Longest Nite (1998)

Troublesome Night 3 (1998)

The Legendary  (1999)

The Tricky Master (1999)
Foreman<br>Never Compromise
Never Compromise (1999)
Big Brother's son <br>Love is a Many Stupid Thing
Love Is a Many Stupid Thing (2004)
Oddjob labourer
2 Young (2005)
Marco's thug
The Stool Pigeon (2010)

Turning Point 2 (2011)

Limbo (2021)