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林偉健  ♂
Oscar Lam Wai-Kin

Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (1982)
Once Upon a Rainbow (1982)

Just Heroes (1989)

Lethal Contact (1992)

Chinese Erotic Ghost Story (1998)

A Chinese Torture Chamber Story II (1998)

Operation Billionaires (1998)

Mr. A? Mr. C? (1999)

Who's the Assassin (1999)

Running Out of Time (1999)

House of the Damned (1999)

Beware of the Striptease (1999)

The Losers' Club (2001)

My Horny Girlfriend (2002)

The Peeper's Story 2 - The Escape Partner (2003)

The Peeper's Story I - The Tattoo Master (2003)

Snake Lover (2003)

Mysterious Hole (2004)
Sexy Dragon Inn (2004)
The Sexy Dragon Inn (2004)

Sexy Angels (2006)

The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks (2008)

The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks II (2009)