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童毅  ♀
Tung Ngai

They All Want a Baby (1956)

A Widow's Tears (1956)

They All Want a Baby (1956)

The Wedding Night (1956)

The Wedding Night (1956)

Return of the Prodigal Youth (1958)

Husband Hunters (1958)

Husband Hunters (1958)

Thunderstorm (1961)

The Golden Eagle (1964)

The Painted Skin (1966)

The Fair Ladies (1967)

The Fair Ladies (1967)

The Village of Crouching Tigers (1969)

The Village of Crouching Tigers (1969)

Destiny of Love (1969)

Destiny of Love (1969)

The Younger Generation (1971)

The Younger Generation (1971)

Three Seventeens (1972)

The Flaming Bulwark of Miao (1973)

The Stormy Sea (1976)

The Stranger (1979)

Struggle for Lives (1979)