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裘萍  ♀
Kau Ping

The Stormy Night (1952)

A Double-Faced Man (1952)

Lover Eternal (1953)

Sweet Seventeen (1954)

Sweet Seventeen (1954)

Song at Midnight (1956)

They All Want a Baby (1956)

They All Want a Baby (1956)

They All Want a Baby (1956)

The Wedding Night (1956)

The Wedding Night (1956)

Gone with the Tide (1960)

Thunderstorm (1961)

The Girl from Phnom Penh (1963)

The Girl from Phnom Penh (1963)

The Girl from Phnom Penh (1963)

The Girl from Phnom Penh (1963)

Emperor Takes a Holiday (1965)

Emperor Takes a Holiday (1965)

Romantic World (1965)

Romantic World (1965)

Romantic World (1965)

The Fair Ladies (1967)

The Fair Ladies (1967)

Destiny of Love (1969)

Destiny of Love (1969)

Adventure in Paradise (1970)

Adventure in Paradise (1970)

A Silver Dollar (1974)

A Silver Dollar (1974)

The Red Tasseled Sword (1975)

Love with the Ghost in Lushan (1984)