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傅奇  ♂
Fu Chi

Merry-Go-Round (1954)

Tales of the City (1954)

Loves of the Youngsters (1955)

Loves of the Youngsters (1955)

Diamond Thief (1955)

Diamond Thief (1955)

The Wedding Night (1956)

The Wedding Night (1956)

Sunrise (1956)

Sunrise (1956)

Sunrise (1956)
Hsia Meng & Fu Chi
Sunrise (1956)

The Three Loves (1956)

Actress Pearl (1956)

The Nature of Spring (1958)

Sweet as Honey (1959)

Rendezvous (1960)

Rendezvous (1960)

Rendezvous (1960)

The Eternal Love (1960)

The Eternal Love (1960)

The Unseparated (1961)

The Unseparated (1961)

The Gold Diggers (1965)

The Gold Diggers (1965)

The Gold Diggers (1965)

Emperor Takes a Holiday (1965)

Emperor Takes a Holiday (1965)

Emperor Takes a Holiday (1965)

Romantic World (1965)

The Jade Bow (1966)

The Jade Bow (1966)

The Jade Bow (1966)

Ying Ku (1967)

Ying Ku (1967)

Ying Ku (1967)

The Fair Ladies (1967)

The Fair Ladies (1967)

Spring Thunder (1967)

Spring Thunder (1967)

Spring Thunder (1967)

Oh, the Spring's Here! (1968)

Oh, the Spring's Here! (1968)

Pillar of Society (1968)

Pillar of Society (1968)

The Village of Crouching Tigers (1969)

The Village of Crouching Tigers (1969)

The Patriotic Knights (1971)

The Patriotic Knights (1971)

The Patriotic Knights (1971)

The Patriotic Knights (1971)

The Red Tasseled Sword (1975)

The Red Tasseled Sword (1975)