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皇家飛鳳 (1989)
Angel Enforcers

Reviewed by: MrBooth
Date: 09/15/2023

It's impossible to keep track of which "Angel" films I've seen - most follow a similar template and share many of the same cast members. I'm sure I hadn't seen this one before though.

Godfrey Ho is best known for making films by cutting and pasting scenes from other movies. This particular film is an original creation though - well, it's still a mish mash of ideas and scenes lifted from other films, but he did at least go to the trouble of shooting his own version of them.

The film seems to have been made without a great deal of care, with a script that just serves to produce vaguely plausible excuses for action scenes. ANGEL ENFORCERS at least does not disappoint on that front, featuring plenty of shoot-outs, chases, explosions and fisticuffs in the brutal, bruising style that the genre is known for.

Overindulgence in cliches wastes any genuine emotion that might have been wrung from the story. The most affecting relationship in the film is actually the bond between Dick Wei and Phillip Ko - they're basically just goons, but somehow get more character development than any of the main characters.

There are an odd mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces in the film, with no A-Listers - Dick Wei is probably the most recognisable.

This is very much "more of the same" and far from the cream of the Girls With Guns crop, but it's a solid, basic mid-tier effort that is unlikely to leave fans of the genre too disappointed.

(full review at

Reviewer Score: 5

Reviewed by: Inner Strength
Date: 01/12/2002
Summary: Same old thing, but worth seeing.

The usual 80's action movie about female police.

A few good parts, but overall poor as this has all been done before (oh, perhaps the woman getting blown up by grenades, can't say I've seen that before). Although some of the action did impress me.

Rating (out of 5): 3

(This rating is based on the year & genre, so don't think it's based as a comparison on new releases etc.)

Reviewer Score: 6

Reviewed by: hkcinema
Date: 12/21/1999

A classic Hong Kong style urban actioner with super cops battlingagainst triad gangsters.

[Reviewed by Tai Seng Catalog]

Reviewed by: hokazak
Date: 12/09/1999

One of the early ripoffs of the successful "Angel" (aka "Iron Angels") series, with Moon Lee. About a quartet of policewomen.