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流金歲月 (1988)
Last Romance

Reviewed by: Inner Strength
Date: 01/25/2002

Last Romance is one of those films where you either love it or hate. The other reviewer (STSH) was not impressed, but I was. True, you could say this is one of those ‘art’ films, but there is nothing wrong with that. Like most Yonfan films, it’s made for a certain taste, and if his films usually appeal to you, then this is well worth watching. But to me, this is FAR from dull.

The story is of two girls (Maggie Cheung & Cherie Chung) who meet each other at school and become friends. One day they both meet & fall in love with the same boy during a trip to Ocean Park. The film then goes forward 5 years where the 2 girls are still best friends, but Nancy (Maggie Cheung) finds out that So So (Cherie) has been lying about her jobs when she finds out she is a night club hostess. They both meet the same boy they met, and things go on from there. The story is rather simple, which develops into a double romance story, which brings out the best of both Maggie Cheung’s & Cherie Chung’s acting abilities. Unfortunately though, that is really as far as things get. A lot of emotions are brought out during this, so if you don’t like these kinds of films, don’t read on because you will probably waste your time seeing it. But don’t let that put you off I you like these films, because the whole thing is simply beautiful and so colourful, Yonfan is one of the few directors who can make anything look so good.

Maggie Cheung I think is the real star here, she plays her part perfectly, as if this was a real situation. Jeanette Lin (a big star in the 60’s) who produced this, also makes a special appearance as the teacher at the school if you look carefully you will see it is her. One other point though, at the beginning of the film you can believe Maggie Cheung is 16 or 17, but Cherie doesn’t look that age at all, in fact she looks too old to believe she is supposed to be so young.


Rating: 4/5

(This rating is compared to other movies of the same genre released in the same year.)

Reviewed by: STSH
Date: 10/20/2001
Summary: Pretty dull

Is it possible to make a really dull love story with such a fine cast ? Well, Yonfan has a serious crack at it here.

Most of this film follows the (mostly) enduring friendship of two very different women and the man they both long for. A lot of it seems to fall under the category of lifestyles of the rich, and it is very hard to feel anything for the petty troubles of two such shallow characters.

A little emotional intensity finally wells up near the end, but it's not enough. Even as an ardent fan of Maggie Cheung, I found it hard to stay awake. It's very talky, mostly very girly, and too dull. The only other bonus for staying to the end is Sally Yeh's wonderful song over the end credits (one of her big hits, but I don't know the English title. It has the same Chinese title as this film, and translates word by word as "Run Money Year Month").

Not recommended.

Reviewer Score: 2