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當男人變成女人 (2002)
Women from Mars

Reviewed by: shuqifan
Date: 01/25/2003
Summary: Disappointing

I agree with the other reviews here. This movie was pretty much a waste of time. You just didn't develop much sympathy for the 3 main characters enough to gain interest in what happens to them. Shu Qi (ah... be still my beating heart!) only makes a cameo appearance as the "Messenger of Hell" :-( and is totally wasted in this film.

The female characters were thinly written with no depth or much to distinguish between them.

There are some comedic moments, but far and few between. I sat basically wondering when the next funny part would come.

2/10 stars

Reviewer Score: 2

Reviewed by: xiaoka
Date: 01/20/2003
Summary: not a complete waste...

i enjoyed watching it... because I don't expect much out of this type of film... it wasn't any more stupid then "Beauty and the Breast" or the other similar gender/appendage bending flicks that have come out.

if you're prepared for "stupid hk" in all its lowbrow silliness, then this is worth watching. the girls are pretty cute, some of the scenes are funny, don't look for much of a storyline.... probably worth it for Ekin fans. Hsu Chi probably spent about 2 hours filming her part (about 45 seconds of screen time), so don't go see it if thats what you're looking for...

Reviewer Score: 7

Reviewed by: risbac
Date: 08/15/2002
Summary: OK beginning, poor ending...

The main idea is ok, but the developpment is really poor. After 30 minutes, the movie becomes slow, and doesn't use the potential of the situation. The cast is quite poor on laughs, except Cheung Tat-Ming who is the only real actor of the trio. Ekin is quite charming but not funny, and Michael Wong is quite bad except when he yells "where is my kookoo ???". The cameos and some very funny scenes still make it watchable. but overall it's a disappointment.

Reviewed by: danton
Date: 08/12/2002

What an idiotic film! The premise (3 "bad eggs" go to hell and are punished for their lack of respect towards women by being sent back to earth without their male appendix) is somewhat reminiscent of recent comedies like La Brassiere and Beauty and the Breast, except that this time we have two has-beens (Ekin Cheng and Michael Wong) starring (along with Cheung Tat Ming, who's the funniest of the three) and we get to spend a painful 90 minutes watching them understand the error of their ways till they finally get their appendix (and their girlfriends) back. All of this is not very funny and in fact, the only reason to watch the film at all is to look out for the numerous cameos. Not recommended.

Reviewed by: Stardust
Date: 08/03/2002
Summary: Cameos Steal The Show

Although my expectations were quite low prior to watching this movie, I was amazed that it's more diappointing than I thought after watching it.

The story mainly follows three males and their disrespect towards women. The movie makes them sound like they're male chauvinists, but in reality, I'm sure there are those worst than them. So they like to meet new girls and try to bed them, big deal.

There are many cameos by many stars, and some that you probably wouldn't recognize that came out until the credits started rolling. I found myself watching these cameo stars more than the movie itself after a while. Even annoying actors/actresses that I never liked were funny here (I guess it's due to their small roles).

The three main characters can all be described in two words: annoying and unbelievable. I'm sure they've all done better in other movies.

The movie runs out of gas pretty quickly, and by the climax (if you can even call it a climax) was just a drag. It gives the viewers an oh-my-god-please-let-this-end-now feel.

Overall, consider watching it only for the cameos, or forget the whole thing.

Rating: 5/10

Reviewer Score: 5

Reviewed by: Sydneyguy
Date: 07/15/2002
Summary: YIKES!!

So many stars, yet such a poor movie. And not that funny either which makes it such a mess. I did laugh about 3 times but the acting and the script are done poorly. Really nothing to recommend here about the the many stars in this movie, and i somehow watched till the end.

i feel generous giving this
