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王玉環  ♀
Pauline Wong Yuk-Wan

A Monstrous Corpse (1981)

The Anger (1982)

The Sexy Lady Driver (1982)

Training Camp (1983)

The Millionaires' Express (1986)

Mr. Vampire Part 2 (1986)

Mr. Vampire Part 3 (1987)

Spooky, Spooky (1988)

Dragons Forever (1988)

Mr. Vampire Saga Four (1988)

Three Against the World (1988)

Miss Magic (1988)

Jail House Eros (1989)

Mr. Canton and Lady Rose (1989)

Stage Door Johnny (1990)

Slickers Vs Killers (1991)

The Buddhist Spell (1993)

The Sword Stained with Royal Blood (1993)